Friday, 15 January 2016

The alien mechs

The Alien Mech

Hey guys sorry that I got side tracked for so long, Its just I got really lazy and in an attempt to make it up to you I shall continue this blog, like the original idea was.

So first things first I have started a new type of post - The Lego Language, or what each block is called. In the easy to swollow form

So lets star wtih the basics a lego block that is a oblong 8 studs in total (four on side) this is called a 2x4 or a 4x2 to be honest i dont know if the way you say it matters, if you where to cut it in half along the middle then you would get a1x4 and if you cut it in the middle side ways youd get 2x4, and if you cut that in half youd get 1x2 get it?

So now the Alien and Human mechs

The story behind this is that I watched a fantastic movie called Disterict Nine which for those who have seen it, must agree and awsomerobot mech, so naturally i had to build two, the humans and the aliens, this lead to alien speeder bikes (posted next week) and a few more. But after watching a two hour movie  I wasnt aloud to go on the computer so building one staight from my head with no refrences was rather tricky and it lead to mutiple break of weak legs and complaints that I dont have enough pieces.

Though in the wise word of and old mentor '' there is no try only do" so "did it I have". For those of you who didnt get that, go watch Star Wars. hahaha, no really!

Any way the aliens look is a sleek and dangerous, I know what I am doing look instead of I make robots that might hurt you, Yay! kind of way. The gun is very dangerous and would most proberly kill you with its green plasma cannon ball things.

Mean while the humans clunky yet, elegant design might suggest a  builder who was copying the instuctions and got side tracked, maybe alien instructions? We might not be all to smart?
The weapons are a rapid fire machine gun and of course the wonderful curcuit frying plasma gun!

Oh Yeah! The other thing is that the alien claws are mismatched, maybe suggesting there scavengers? Alot of room for story telling in this model! please give me suggestions behind the questions raised and maybe I shall write an action pack paragraph describing the battle?

Ok thanks
And if you want a lego alien invasion competion, where you build and judge, let me know i wouyld gladly start that up with you guys!
Remember to comment and subscribe to give me the support I need to keep this blog going, writing all this is tough work


  1. This is super cool Jay !, the robot suit is cool how it is , I like the change of arms . Makes me think he's a patched up robot who somehow survived a major explosion . He must of been really low on power dieing in a junk yard and only just managed to get him self back together again with borrowed bits

  2. This is super cool Jay !, the robot suit is cool how it is , I like the change of arms . Makes me think he's a patched up robot who somehow survived a major explosion . He must of been really low on power dieing in a junk yard and only just managed to get him self back together again with borrowed bits

  3. cool Jayzien! It really looks like the alien robot machine from the movie :)
