Monday, 28 March 2016

A LEGO Star Wars Story


Hey guys,
it's Jayzien and here is a short story based on the star wars universe (with the Lego set ‘First Order Battle pack’). It will detail its actions/abilities, and I hope you enjoy it.

The planet that housed Starkiller base gleams in the harsh darkness, the resistance escape pod hurtles toward the planet. The five crew members try to catch a glimpse of the planet through the perspex windows.

Their mission was simple. They would go to battle station, built to withstand resistance attacks in space craft, the escape pod would land just East of the station and they would walk over to the station and use the computers to access the security plans stored in the hard river of every computers and use the security plans. Once the security was breached they would leave using the escape pod….All according to plan of course.

The reason for getting the plans is that  the resistance needs the security codes to spy on the first order transmissions, and with this information they would be able to move their fleet in order to counter move the First Order.

The descent into the atmosphere was hard and bumpy but the the crew made it without any severe injuries. The trek from the pod to the battle station was long and cold, but they made it without anything of notice.

At the battle station they found two stormtroopers and a technician giving a check up on computer. Without a word the resistance troopers sent off blaster shots, dropping them instantly, they hurried forward not willing to waste time.

Inside star killer base…

The Com's room, is cold and dark as the technician monitored the gleaming computers. The night had been silent as a dying tauntaun (Meaning it was loud) the computers realest rhythmic beeps, and chimes. Then there was an alert as the stormtroopers on a routine mission trip to update the software and, the update had gone on fine and it was fully updated. But know the troopers com links and the technician dispatched had all gone off line. He sent an alert to the security. A few minutes later the doors hissed open and Kylo Ren himself, stalked in followed by a security detachment. His ever silent companion Captain Phasma  followed. He snapped a salute and gave them the chalk talk, detailing the information.

The slicer, hurried forward (slicer- star wars term for hacker) not willing to waste the precious time. She started tapping at the computer, bleeps and blooms emigration from the metal compartment echoing off the otherwise silent snow.

Kylo Ren lead the security team himself, and allowed the pleasure of the silent agony of his stormtroopers  at the cold, and of course they couldn't complain.
As they rounded the final hill of snow the battle station came into view and he saw the resistance scum, milling around the computer.

At last the slicer was finished and they could leave this, forsaken world behind, then a sizzling sound from behind them, they spun a day saw the cold merciless helmet of Kylo Ren's helmet shining in the harsh light. He spun around and cut down two of the five, the slicer backpedalling away as the Ewok loosed a round of blaster fire, he block all of the bolts but the remaining three had ditched, the heated the blaster fire from the stormtroopers coming at them but they didn't stop, until the pilot was shot in the head, killing him instantly.

The ewok, half turned tears streaming down its face, then ran the the remaining two fighters got to the escaped pod, firing up the engines and trying to exit, the horrible atmosphere.

They made it, intercepted by the resistance fleet the heroes flew into hyperspace. There only thoughts on their lost friends and not of the huge victory they had scored

Hey, me again what did you think of this project? Should I create more of these stories? and is star wars a good setting?
the other thing I am sorry about not posting for so long as i have been away and when i was home hadn't been able to post any thing due to not having anything.
Anyway thanks again

Monday, 7 March 2016

Star Wars Battle of Hoth

Star Wars Battle of Hoth...

Hey guys, yet another build for you to gaze your eyes upon. And today we have a build inspired by the popular game Battlefront, where you pose as an imperial or rebal soldier,in an attempt to rid the galaxy of evil (or fill it if your the empire) so pretty straight forward, the rebellion is attempting to defeat the snow troopers, while there doing the same.

Let's take a look at what we have, here we have the snow troopers gun (a little bit a lot awsome) and the rebel turret, In my opinion the snow troopers is cooler, but that's just me! What's your favorite?

This part is a kind of what if? Leaveing a story line for the reader to think of, so here it is, Darth Vader  and Luke Skywalker battling. I am sure that many of you are on the rebellions band wagon  but I have my fingers crossed for Darth Vader.

Please give me feed back about who would win in your opinion! And let me know if Star Wars is a thing I should build more and give me battles,and inpiration?
