Star Wars Battle of Hoth...
Hey guys, yet another build for you to gaze your eyes upon. And today we have a build inspired by the popular game Battlefront, where you pose as an imperial or rebal soldier,in an attempt to rid the galaxy of evil (or fill it if your the empire) so pretty straight forward, the rebellion is attempting to defeat the snow troopers, while there doing the same.
Let's take a look at what we have, here we have the snow troopers gun (a little bit a lot awsome) and the rebel turret, In my opinion the snow troopers is cooler, but that's just me! What's your favorite?
This part is a kind of what if? Leaveing a story line for the reader to think of, so here it is, Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker battling. I am sure that many of you are on the rebellions band wagon but I have my fingers crossed for Darth Vader.
Please give me feed back about who would win in your opinion! And let me know if Star Wars is a thing I should build more and give me battles,and inpiration?
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