Saturday, 20 August 2016

Jayzien's special photo's

Cheap Special Effects.

First of all, Sorry for not posting for a while and secondly welcome to a new post. So I have been experimenting with special effects, Such as this one

I achieved this 'Blizard' By getting a plastic container and blue tacking a base to the bottom of the along with the mini figures (I posed them before hand) The went a step further and filled the tub with water, After that I got baking soda and used a spoon to sprinkle a little over the water, The water held the soda up while I took photos coming down slowly and making a 'blizzard' As you can see the photo is a little blue, So I took it to photo shop and changed the colour.

So here it is the final image, White like a blizzard. I am quite happy with the out of focus of my custom bounty hunter, making it look like he is under water. If you like this style and want more please leave feed back. I will be making some similar with lights (Semi-realistic light sabres, That sort of thing) 


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